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Talking to Kids About Money
How Far Could $1 MILLION Go in Retirement?
A million dollars used to be the ultimate target for retirement portfolios. Retiring as a millionaire brought status and confidence that you could live comfortably during your golden years. If you retired with $1 million in 1970, you probably didn’t have to worry about your nest egg running out, even with a lavish lifestyle. It […]
How to Be a Smarter Investor in Uncertain Times
In a perfect world, logic would always guide our financial decisions. Emotions wouldn’t come into play. But we don’t live in a perfect world. Far from it. That means our emotions impact our financial choices more than we realize.1 Shockingly as much as 95% of our purchase choices are made subconsciously, driven by our emotions—as […]
Bear vs. Bull Market Quiz Will You Get All 7 Questions Correct?
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Inflation Quiz
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How Practicing Gratitude Can Make Life Better
Thank you. When was the last time you said those words? How often do you really even say them? If you’re like most folks, you’re not saying, “thank you,” as much as you think. In fact, most of us rarely say, “thanks,” even when someone’s doing us a favor or giving us a gift. How […]
How to Weather a Recession
Are you worried about a major recession? Think the markets are about to come to a standstill any day now? “Yes,” is the answer from most folks these days.1 Same with most small business owners.2 And lots of so-called economic experts and talking heads on the news seem to agree too. Still, no one REALLY […]